What is the Palm Life Chart?
The Palm Life Chart (PLC) is an electronic diary for patients. It adds some functions and advantages that the paper based Life Chart paper method lacks and therefore supplements it. Palm Life Chart is a computer program that you can either use online or download to a cellular phone or Palm (a pocket computer) to use it wherever you go. You can enter the same information as on the Life Chart forms, but there are additional functions that make the description of your drugs, side effects and the course of the disease more accurate. It only takes a few minutes to complete. Every time you use the online version, your data is sent confidentially to a central computer in Germany. If you use Palms or cellular phones, you have to synchronize the data by sending it through an internet connection. This way, no information gets lost or changed by the transfer. Your data can be sent back to your (or your doctor´s) email address, and you can also print it out and download the data directly with the online version (see Manual: Administration).
Which information do you put into the Palm Life Chart?
Every day, you enter your functioning, your mood, the drugs that you took that day and any side effects, how long you slept, the number of mood switches, any life events that had an effect on you and your mood, the days of the menstruation and hospitalisation. For more detailed information on this data, please read the manual (see either “manual short” or “manual long”). You can go back and forth and view the data that you already entered. You can also enter the data for the previous day, if you forgot to do it.
Why should I use the PLC?
Patients who have been using the PLC named numerous benefits, especially: